World Under-18 Quarter-finalist 2020
wdt_ID userid Date Smelly Shots Twenty Back of Baulk Colours Rest Pots Long Straight Pots Back of Black Pots Shot to Nothing Cannons Safety T-Line Up Baulk Line Up Five-Threes Score

Smelly Shots Twenty

Spot the blue, pink and black then line up tens reds in a diagonal across the top of the table.

With the cue-ball played within two balls width of the side cushion each time, straight pot the five reds below the pink into the corner pocket and the five reds above into the middle pocket. Repeat, this time playing the cue-ball from tight under the cushion each time.

Award a point for each red potted. Maximum score is 20.

Back of Baulk Colours

Spot the colours and put a red either side of the pink.

With the cue-ball placed as shown, have ten goes as potting the blue whilst sending the cue-ball behind the baulk colours for position on the reds. Provided the blue’s potted, pot one of the reds.

The reds can be potted in any pocket.

Award a point for each time both blue and red is potted. Maximum score is 10.

Rest Pots

Evenly line up five reds each side of the pink spot.

With the cue-ball placed between the middle pockets each time, straight pot each red into it’s nearest top corner pocket using the Rest.

Award a point for each red potted. Maximum score is 10.

Long Straight Pots

As shown, evenly line up five reds each side of the pink spot.

With the cue-ball placed on the baulk line each time, straight pot each red into the nearest top corner pocket.

Award a point for each red potted. Maximum score is 10

Back of Black Pots

As shown, evenly position five reds so they are lined up with the black and the top pocket.

With the cue-ball placed behind the baulk line each time, pot each red bringing the cue ball round the back of the black.

Award a point for each red potted. Maximum score is 10.

Shot to Nothing

Tightly space five reds below the pink so they are in line with the top corner pocket.

Playing the cue-ball from behind the baulk line each time, pot each red bringing the cue-ball back behind the baulk line.

Award two points when a red is potted and when missed still award one point if the cue-ball comes back to rest behind the baulk line. (For the shot to count, no reds must come into the baulk half of the table and all of the cue-ball must come to rest behind the baulk line). Note score then repeat challenge putting reds on other side of the table.

Record total score achieved. Maximum score is 20.

Cannons Safety

Evenly line the colours in sequence along the baulk cushion and then position the ten reds between the blue and black spots.

Playing from behind the baulk line each time and starting with the red on the blue spot, clip off the reds in turn making the cue-ball first cannon the yellow then the green and so on. Replace red if cannon is made!

The routine ends when all the colours have been cannoned or ten missed shots have been made.

Award a point for each colour cannoned and any reds remaining. Maximum score is limited to 10.

T-Line Up

Spot the colours and position the fifteen reds as shown to form a T shape.

With the cue-ball placed for the first shot only, clear the table.

After a miss, re-set the unpotted balls and the cue-ball. Re-start on the ball that was missed.

Record number of missed shots made. Maximum is 10.

Baulk Line Up

Spot the colours and evenly line six reds below the brown and nine reds between the brown and blue as shown.

With the cue-ball placed for the first shot only, clear the table.

After a miss, re-set the unpotted balls and the cue-ball. Re-start on the ball that was missed.

Record number of missed shots made. Maximum is 10.


Spot the colours, then position five lines of three reds as shown.

With the cue-ball placed for the first shot only, clear the table.

After a miss, re-set the unpotted balls and the cue-ball. Re-start on the ball that was missed.

Record number of missed shots made. Maximum is 10.